Drive conversions with these 7 landing pages tips

GrowthBy Mariana Bonanomi

Have you ever clicked through an attractive ad hoping to land on a page with more information but then abandoned it because it failed to hold your attention?

To avoid this kind of experience, it is crucial to follow the best practices when creating landing pages.

A landing page is where prospects arrive from anywhere on the internet — an ad, a newsletter, or a Google search result. Its main goal is turning visitors into leads, so it plays a vital role in driving conversions.

How to drive conversions in your landing page

Your landing page should capture your visitor's attention and encourage them to convert. So if yours fails to convert well, there's a chance you're missing some critical strategies that trigger conversions. The following best practices should give you a head start in creating an effective and highly converting landing page.

1. Have a clear design and remove distractions

A landing page should have one primary purpose — encouraging users to download a free ebook, signup for a free trial, subscribe to a limited offer, and so on. A design with more than one focus defeats the purpose of a landing page.

Landing pages exist to drive conversions, so try to eliminate any element that diverts attention from conversion and ends up confusing users. You should limit the distractions on your page and include only what you need to convince users to convert.

Also, crowding your page with many offers confuses users. If you're selling two products, build separate landing pages for them. That means product A should have landing page A, and product B should have landing page B.

Remove distractions by using the same copy style throughout the page. Your design colors should be complimentary, not clashing. The font sizes should follow an expected scale. Weigh each word and image to ensure they drive visitors to conversion.

Good (A) and bad (B) examples of a landing page hero
Good (A) and bad (B) examples of a landing page hero

2. Use authentic social proof

Social proof is one of the effective ways to boost conversions on your landing page. It validates your offer without you even saying anything. Showing customers that other businesses willingly rave about your product builds trust and credibility for your brand.

Some social proof ideas include product reviews, client testimonials, logos of brands you've worked with, and product purchase confirmation. You can even humanize client testimonials by including personal details like full names, job titles, portraits, and date of purchase.

Additionally, you can display trust badges and seals from payment processors and security companies. Also, include links to your social media accounts so visitors can explore and get the essence of your brand.

3. Show your product or service in action

Effectively showing your product in action demonstrates how it works and its benefits to your users. A video, for instance, is an excellent way to explain complex concepts quickly.

Having a 30-second clip of quality, informative product video on your landing page can capture and keep your visitors' attention, leading them to convert.

Use animations, demo videos, or still pictures to explain how your product or service works. For videos, keep it short, not more than 90 seconds. Remember that landing pages should hold attention, so do not bore your visitors with long videos.

4. Use clear, compelling copy

The words on your landing page should sell your call to action (CTA). They should speak directly to the visitor and convey your brand's message clearly and compellingly. Including bold headings, bullet points, and short sentences makes your copy easy to read. Users typically scan content instead of reading each line, so keep your copy clear and concise.

When writing copy for your landing page, use "power" words. Power words grab your attention, get to your emotions, and compel you to take action. It's a time-tested copywriting tactic that is sure to raise conversion rates.

Your copy should also make customers feel like you've read their minds, meaning it should have language/market fit. Find the exact words users use to explain the jobs they’re trying to get done. Using words that speak to the goals and challenges in their heads turns your visitors into customers.

5. Keep your form fields simplified

Just as nobody likes paperwork, nobody wants to fill out lengthy forms. When faced with an extensive form field, it's natural that visitors begin to ask themselves: "Why do they need to know all this?" The more fields a visitor is requested to fill out at once, the lower your conversions.

Using this technique, you only ask for what you need in your lead form — maybe just their name and email. Then you gradually get more information by personalizing the user experience.

Good (A) and bad (B) examples of a form
Good (A) and bad (B) examples of a form

6. Personalize your landing page

If you want your landing page to drive visitors to take action, it must connect and speak to them. One way to do this is by using dynamic content to personalize it. Personalization is a powerful way to increase conversions with your target audience and generate quality leads for your company.

A personalized landing page outperforms a static landing page every time. Because it builds upon customer data such as past behavior, time, location, and so on, users are more likely to convert.

This is how it works — let's suppose you're advertising the same product or service to different audiences. While the product or service is trying to solve the same problem, each targeted audience should receive a different message. The messaging needs to be personal and directed to each persona, not a generalized communication.

With dynamic content, you can provide different versions of the same landing page in a single URL. That provides your prospects with content related to what they're looking for, ultimately increasing conversion rates.

7. AB test different page elements

After creating different versions of your landing page, we recommend you test them to check which one performs better. Running AB tests with personalization is one of the most effective ways of optimizing your landing pages for conversions.

The role of AB tests is to determine what works and what doesn't. On a landing page, elements as small as the color of your CTA button can make a difference in your conversions. But without testing it, you can never know which color made that difference.

Constantly testing different elements of your page improves its performance and boosts your conversion rate. You should try combinations of your headline, copy, CTA, images, buttons, and other design elements. Test one element at a time, not everything at once. Make minor changes and see how they affect user behavior.

Learn how to plan your AB tests with this free templateWe've designed a free template in a spreadsheet format and a step-by-step guide to help you plan your AB tests.
AB Testing Plan Spreadsheet Template

Create a landing page that converts

The main entry point for potential clients to access your product or service is through landing pages. It accounts for most of your new leads, so you should create it to increase performance and drive more leads.

Following the best practices from this post will set you on your way to create a high-converting landing page.

If you're struggling to make your landing pages convert, or you don't know where to start, create your free account and explore our platform.

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