38 posts about

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

How to use Sanity CMS for AB testing and website personalization

Sanity CMS is one of the most popular headless CMS among developers for static content websites. However, growth teams often require AB testing tools and personalization engines. Learn how to make this a reality.

How to use Contentful CMS for AB testing and website personalization

In recent news, Contentful announced its acquisition of Ninetailed, a personalization and AB testing tool. While this acquisition aims to fill gaps in the platform, one could question whether Contentful is ready to handle personalization and AB testing effectively.

How to use Storyblok CMS for website personalization and AB testing.png

Storyblok is ideal for content-rich websites that need flexibility and scalability without being tied to a traditional monolithic CMS structure, but it has limitations when it comes to personalization and AB testing. Learn what Storyblok is good for and what your alternatives are to unlock experimentation.

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Strapi is a great headless CMS choice for your website, but it has limitations when it comes to personalization and AB testing. Learn what Strapi is good for, why this is a challenge, and what your alternatives are to unlock experimentation.

Croct's and Optimizely's logos on a green background.

Optimizely is the go-to for enterprise companies looking to optimize experiences. Croct focuses on performance and is accessible to businesses of all sizes. Discover which one suits you best.

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We often assume that huge investments are needed to boost results. However, increasing conversions can drive more growth than anticipated. Download our free template to find out if that's your case.

Mutiny's and Croct's logos on a purple background

Mutiny or Croct? Which one should you rely on for personalization? Choosing the right platform can be tricky, so we’ve created this guide to help you find out which is the best fit for your growth team.

Croct's logo, an amplifier lens representing organic search, and the post's title.

Dynamically tailoring content to match organic search intent is key to enhancing user engagement. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how our platform makes this process a breeze.

Croct's logo, a pin emoji representing user location, and the title of the post

Personalizing your website according to user location is the key to creating seamless browsing experiences. Follow this step-by-step guide to boost conversions through this strategy.

Croct's logo, a money bag emoji representing ROI, and the blog post title.

Users often click ads but don’t convert right away. Later, they go to your website and struggle to find the same offer that caught their attention. But you can change that with personalization.

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