How to personalize your site based on marketing campaigns

PlaybooksBy Mariana Bonanomi and Yasmin Gonçalves

In today's crowded marketplace, brands are constantly searching for effective ways to reach and engage their target audience. Businesses employ various strategies to deliver their message, from collaborating with influencers to launching PR campaigns.

However, consumers can become confused and overwhelmed by the amount of information coming from different sources. That's where a consistent message becomes paramount.

Establishing clear and cohesive communication is essential for gaining consumers’ trust and building a strong connection with them. Cutting through the noise and eliminating unwanted distractions ensures a deeper-resonating experience across multiple channels.

And that should be the case regarding the user flow from your ads to your website.

Click-through says a lot about buying intentions — even when users don’t convert right away. You can personalize your website by tracking their interactions with marketing campaigns to build a narrative that connects to their interests.

This way, users returning to your website after seeing an ad will visualize images and copies that reflect the offers that first caught their attention. It also helps you save time by not having to craft multiple landing pages — each one corresponding to a specific ad, ad group, or campaign.

In this playbook, you’ll learn the step by step on how to put this strategy into action.

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How to create a personalized experience

First, access your Workspace, then click Experiences and New.

Now, we'll show you how to:

  • Segment users based on specific campaign attributes to create a new audience
  • Select the part of your site you want to personalize
  • And define which content you’ll display to users coming from a specific campaign.


Choose your target audience by categorizing users according to the UTMs used in your marketing campaigns. You can use any criteria from your parameterized UTM to segment and narrow down your audience, such as medium, source, campaign name, or term. Additionally, it is also possible to add two or more campaigns to the same audience using "or" or "and."

Click on New audience and enter a CQL expression that matches the target audience. You can use our campaign variable to segment your traffic.

To segment readers based on marketing campaigns, you can use the following criteria:

  • campaign's medium is “cpc”
  • campaign's source is “google”
  • campaign's name matches “discount”
  • campaign's term matches “personalization”
Screenshot of Croct's admin. A breadcrumb defines steps for creating an experience. A side drawer shows a form for defining audience name, ID, and criteria.
How to create an audience

Slot and content

Slots are any personalizable elements of your application.

Three wireframes highliting hero section, product card, and subscription plan card slots you can personalize.
Hero section, product card, and subscription plan card slot examples

Some popular choices are the hero section, product cards, and subscription plan cards. Still, you can also personalize any page section to include targeted information.

Screenshot of Croct's admin. A breadcrumb defines steps for creating an experience. A search filter tab allows you to select the slot you want to personalize.
How to select a slot

Select the slot you want to personalize, and finally, click on Content to specify elements such as images, copies, and button colors you want your audience to view. Be creative, and don’t forget to match the offer you’ve shown users on your ads.

Screenshot of Croct's admin. A breadcrumb defines steps for creating an experience. A side drawer shows a content form for images, copies, and colours of the personalized content
How to select personalized content

Extra options

After creating an audience of users who viewed your ads and defining both the Slot you want to personalize and the content you want those users to view, everything is almost up and running!

You can also prioritize this experience over others, choose a different time zone, and schedule its start to whenever you prefer.

Screenshot of Croct's admin with buttons with options of scheduling, prioritizing, and choosing a time zone for a personalized experience.
You can schedule, prioritize, and choose a time zone for experiences

Next, publish your experience or go to the preview to see the magic happen!

Wrapping up

Creating personalized communication on your website is a great strategy to grab the user’s attention, generating more engagement, and increasing conversions.

You can track marketing campaigns to ensure messaging consistency. Additionally, you can personalize your website based on organic searches or draw inspiration from some of our e-commerce personalization examples.

Here are some extra reads to help you tailor your messaging:

Sign up for a free account today and explore our platform to enhance your content delivery and improve your brand authority. Happy personalization!

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