How to display personalized free shipping offers dynamically

PlaybooksBy Camila Shiratsubaki, Yasmin Gonçalves and Francine Nogueira

If you run an e-commerce business, you know how challenging it can be to communicate free shipping rules effectively. Often, the minimum purchase amount required for users to be eligible for it varies based on the city or state.

Free shipping is a highly sought-after perk for online shoppers. Not only it reduces the overall cost of purchases but also adds a sense of value and convenience to the shopping experience. That’s why it can be a powerful way of boosting sales. Customers are likely to include additional items in their cart to take advantage of this offer.

To maximize the benefits of offering free shipping, implementing a personalized communication strategy on your website is crucial. You can leverage user location and cart value to tailor free shipping experiences to individual customers, enhancing their shopping journey and driving higher sales.

Table of contents

Using targeted communication strategies

One key aspect of personalization is utilizing users’ location. By segmenting your audience based on their geographical location, you can provide relevant information about free shipping eligibility.

Besides leveraging users location to display personalized free shipping offers, integrating cart value into your strategy can be highly effective. By analyzing the total value of items in a customer's cart, you can incentivize them to reach the minimum purchase threshold for free shipping.

Increase conversion rate with geomarketingISZI increased the conversion rate by +39% and the average ticket by +88% using a simple three-step process.
Two different audiences having two different personalized experiences

How to create your localized experience

You can create your own experience with a few easy steps:

First, access your Workspace, then click Experiences and New.

Now, we'll show you how to segment users based on specific locations and cart values to create a new audience, select the slot where you want to deliver this communication, and the content you’ll display to each segment.


Click on New audience and enter a CQL expression that matches the target audience.

Segment your audience based on location using their current country, state, or city. Here are some examples of location criteria:

  • location's city is "New York"
  • location's city is in ["New York", "Los Angeles"]
  • location's stateCode is "NY"
  • location's stateCode is in ["NY", "CA"]

Here are some examples of criteria that rely on data from e-commerce events to use the cart information to segment users based on their purchase value:

  • cart's total is greater than 100
  • cart's total is between 100 and 150
  • count of cart's items is greater than 3
  • some item in cart's items satisfies item's name matches "iPhone"

So, you could create mixed criteria like this one using the and operator:

  • location's stateCode is "NY" and cart's total is greater than 100
  • location's city is "New York" and cart's total is between 100 and 150
Screenshot of Croct's admin. A breadcrumb defines steps for creating an experience. A side drawer shows a form for defining audience name, ID, and criteria.
How to create an audience within an experience in Croct's PMS

Slot and content

Slots are any personalizable elements of your application.

Website wireframes highlighting the most commonly personalized slots
Announcement bar, hero section, and carousel section slot examples

Promote your free shipping offer on various page sections for maximum impact. Some popular choices are the announcement bar, the hero section, and the carousel section slots. Also, you can personalize the cart and product pages to use this information for a seamless shopping experience.

Screenshot of Croct's admin. A breadcrumb defines steps for creating an experience. A drop down menu allows you to choose each part of your site you want to personalize.
How to select a slot in an experience within Croct's PMS

Select the slot you want to personalize, and finally, click on Content to specify elements such as copies and button colors you want your audience to view. Be creative!

Screenshot of Croct's admin. A breadcrumb defines steps for creating an experience. A side drawer shows a content form for images, copies, and colours of the personalized content
Croct's content form makes it easy to define which personalized elements to display

Extra options

After creating your audience, and defining both the slot you want to personalize and the content you want those users to view, everything is almost up and running!

You can also prioritize this experience over others, choose a different time zone, and schedule its start to whenever you prefer.

Next, publish your experience or go to the preview to see the magic happen!

Screenshot of Croct's admin with buttons with options of scheduling, prioritizing, and choosing a time zone for a personalized experience.
You can schedule, prioritize, and choose a time zone for experiences

Wrapping up

In e-commerce, effective communication of free shipping rules can make all the difference, and a personalized communication strategy is crucial to maximizing the benefits of this perk.

Utilizing users’ location and cart value can significantly enhance the user experience and allows you to provide relevant information about free shipping eligibility tailored to specific cities or states. Besides these ideas, you can also segment customers from visitors or get inspired by some of our examples for e-commerce.

Sign up for a free account today and explore our platform to enhance your content delivery and improve your brand authority. Happy personalization!

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