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The best React form libraries.png

In the React ecosystem, numerous libraries simplify building and managing forms. Choosing the right form library can significantly impact your development speed, code maintainability, and overall user experience.

The best React countdown timer libraries.png

Whether used to launch a product, display limited-time offers, or create engaging event timers, countdown libraries provide pre-built, customizable components to streamline the development process.

The best React before:after image comparison slider libraries.png

Before/after sliders are interactive UI components that allow users to compare two different states of an image or any other content side by side. They are particularly useful for showcasing the impact of edits, transformations, or changes over time.

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The React ecosystem has several excellent libraries that simplify the implementation of these components, but choosing the right library depends on your specific requirements, such as customization needs, performance considerations, and bundle size.

The best React UI component libraries.png

React UI component libraries have become essential tools for developers, offering pre-built, customizable components that streamline the development process and ensure design consistency. Here is a curated list of the most popular React UI component libraries.

Croct is live on Google Cloud Marketplace

That means businesses interested in using Croct can now tap into our powerful CMS platform with just a few clicks while making the most of their existing Google Cloud spending!

A guide to AB testing tools from no-code to developer-centric solutions.png

AB testing is essential for optimizing web applications, but choosing the right tool depends on your team’s technical expertise and needs.

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Feature flags (or feature toggles) allow product teams to control the rollout of new features without redeploying code. They are widely used to enable AB testing, perform gradual rollouts, and reduce risk when releasing new product features.

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A component CMS offers product teams more autonomy to experiment without over-relying on developers and maintaining a structured content architecture that scales with the product.

Why product UI experimentation is so hard.png

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) and experimentation are critical to improving a product’s performance. Yet, despite their importance, they remain challenging to execute, especially for the product UI.

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