4 posts about

User Journey

Three user avatars going inside a sales funnel

Boost your sales and outshine your competitors with these expert tips for optimizing your marketing funnel. Learn how to measure success and tailor user experiences to maximize impact.

An image with a purple background containing a woman holding a cellphone and surrounded by a money and a performance graph emoji.

Not personalizing the communication with users harms their experience, and also creates an opportunity cost. Read this blog post and find out how to measure it.

A flowchart linked to a house emoji, a laptop emoji, and a sales bags emoji represents different touch points of the user buying journey.

The CRO market has changed. Technological advances have made the user journey more complex. You may be missing some critical points without even realizing it!

A user surrounded by emojis representing different devices and marketing touch points.

Identity resolution helps you recognize customers and create a coherent user journey among different channels and devices. Find out what's the most advanced way to do it these days.

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