3 posts about


Image with dark background and  3 different versions of the same homepage: each in a different colour and ARPU increase graph.

As the beauty industry heats up, recognizing that each customer deserves relevant communications is key to leveraging competitive advantages. Find out how CARE increased e-commerce performance with personalization.

A woman avatar surrounded by clothing icons, a wireframe of a webpage, and bag illustrations

E-commerce personalization is already known to bring great results, but it goes way beyond product recommendations. Read on to have great ideas and boost conversions.

São Paulo State pink map and top bar above Rio de Janeiro State blue map and top bar.

While some users were frustrated after seeing an offer that wouldn't fit their location context, ISZI's team realized they needed to personalize the e-commerce. Read on to see how we helped them increase the conversion rate by +39% and average revenue per user by +88%.

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