Product update: a new way to manage your content

NewsBy Catherine Meira

At Croct, we are constantly improving our platform to make website personalization intuitive and optimization processes more agile. While working with a headless CMS, this task can be challenging.

That’s why we've been eagerly awaiting this day, and we know our users can’t wait too (our excitement is off the charts, to be honest!). In this post, you will learn more about our last update and how it makes content management at Croct a breeze.

What changes with this update

Last month, we took the hard decision of launching our platform before it was completely ready. It's not unusual in the tech startup field. However, it was a tough call because of how it made our users deal with content management. This was how they used to do it until this update:

Croct's admin panel screenshot for slot edition. It contains fields for updating the slot's name, ID component, and content.
Example of JSON content in Croct's admin

We couldn't be more surprised with how easily they handled it, and we definitely owe a huge thanks to these amazing people! They found so much value in our product that they wouldn't mind using JSON to define their personalized content.

Now, it's our time to repay their generosity. This update makes it simpler to update content and streamlines our users' workflow. It allows our clients to focus on what they do best: creating incredible personalized experiences.

How it works

Our previous JSON editor may have posed challenges for those without programming knowledge. Now, they can effortlessly update experiences and slots with just a few clicks. It's as user-friendly as filling out a simple web form, ensuring a seamless experience.

These are the main benefits:

  • Intuitive simplicity: a user-friendly format that simplifies the content update process, enabling you to achieve astonishing results in minutes.
  • Effortless efficiency: fewer clicks mean saving time. Swapping banners, images, text, and visual elements is quicker and more effective.
  • Marketing-friendly: the content form has been thoughtfully designed for marketing, growth, and CRO teams. We understand their needs and are here to make their work smoother.
Screenshot of Croct's content form. There are fields for updating slot's title, background color, and color.
Screenshot of Croct's new content form

An interesting thing to highlight is that this update also brings an important change in how the content is defined. Besides allowing plain text, it now enables our users to specify the format of each attribute, which can be either:

  • an URL
  • a file
  • a color
  • a multiline paragraph.

The content form is already available to all users. If you want to give it a try, head to any experience settings, select any content you wish to update, and see the magic happen! If you still haven’t tried Croct, create your free account today and find out why it is the ideal plataform for website personalization.

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