Product update: creating components just got easier!

NewsBy Mariana Bonanomi and Isabella Beatriz Silva

We are constantly improving our platform to make website personalization intuitive, and optimization processes more agile.

Managing your components can be challenging when using a headless CMS, which is why we're excited to share the news! In this post, you'll learn all about our latest product update.

What has changed

Our previous JSON editor may have posed challenges even for those with tech skills.

JSON schema editor displaying the structure of a component in the deprecated panel.
JSON schema editor component structure example

While launching MVPs is a common practice in the tech world, it was a tough call for us to have our clients not being able to manage components easily.

We couldn't be more surprised with how well they handled it, though! They found so much value in our product that they wouldn't mind using JSON to do this task.

Now, it's our time to reward them with an update that streamlines their workflow.

How it works

Creating components with just a few clicks is now possible. We developed a user-friendly interface to simplify the way users visualize, build, and manage content structures.

Here’s what has become easier and more efficient:

Attribute reordering

To change the order of attributes within a component, simply click and drag.

Attribute search

Finding the desired attribute can be challenging in large components. The new interface allows you to search by names, types, and labels. Searching for "color" displays all attributes with the type "color", for example.

Croct's attribute search schema with matching attributes heading, subheading, and CTA matching attributes
Croct's attribute search schema

Reference edition

Have you ever needed to modify a referenced component? Now, you can simply click on the attribute you want to change and be directed to where you need to make the edit.

Call to action attribute edition menu.
Reference edition menu

Component usage visualization

When modifying a component, you can first check all the places in which it is used to avoid any negative impacts. With just a few clicks, you can see all the slots or references for this component.

Component usage visualization example, including components' definition, name, ID, and description
Component usage visualization example

Component complexity identification

Know when you are close to reaching the component's complexity limits, and avoid future refactoring.

Component complexity indicator displaying the number of remaining attributes within a component.
Remaining attributes within a component

Component import

If you use very similar structures, you can simply export the schema and reuse it to create new components.

Croct's empty state attribute schema with options for adding image, text, and boolean attributes
With this product update you can either add new attributes or import an existing schema
Component usage visualization example, including components' definition, name, ID, and description
Import and export options within the component edition menu

Try it today

The new component management interface is now available to all users. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us.

If you haven't tried Croct yet, create your free account today and discover why we are the best alternative in the market for website personalization at scale.

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