13 posts about

Dynamic Content

Croct's logo, an amplifier lens representing organic search, and the post's title.

Dynamically tailoring content to match organic search intent is key to enhancing user engagement. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how our platform makes this process a breeze.

Cloud emoji representing SaaS, Croct's logo, and the blog post title.

SaaS personalization is a must these days: in this over-saturated industry, the profitable path lies in showing consumers how your solution meets each one's specific requirements.

A money bag emoji representing a meta campaign's ROI followed by the title of the article

Users often click ads but don’t convert right away. Later, they go to your website and struggle to find the same offer that caught their attention. But you can change that with personalization.

Google Campus Meet up blog cover with our clients' portraits and logos

Our customers have optimized conversion rates through personalization. Learn how they used client vs. non-client and location segmentations to build trust and foster consumer loyalty.

Three different people, each with a different interest

Website personalization is now a buzzword. Gone are the days when a well-designed website and regular content were enough to engage visitors. Find out why you should leverage it to convert more.

Croct's crocodile mascot in front of ads wireframes behind a loudspeaker illustration.

Paid ads can take your campaigns even further. But only bringing traffic is not enough, they must generate conversions. Read on to learn how to boost your ads performance and overcome marketing channel saturation.

Image with dark background containing both Croct's and HubSpost's logos.

We compared HubSpot CMS Hub with Croct to discuss the differences and similarities between both platforms so you can decide what CMS you should use. Read on to find out which one best suits you.

An image with dark background showing a wireframe surrounded by page button icons, all with red cross marks representing mistakes.

Personalization is essential to marketing by providing unique user experiences, but when used wrong, it does more harm than good. Are you making any of these mistakes? Read and find out.

A imagem contendo um monitor de computador e diferentes wireframes são dispostos em camadas, representando diferentes versões da mesma página da web.

Landing pages are indispensable for generating conversions, but you may be managing them the wrong way. Read this article to find out how to make this process faster with dynamic content.

Image with dark background containing both Croct's and Google Optimize's logos.

Google Optimize is a reliable AB testing platform, but it falls short when you need an advanced solution. In this post, we analyzed the two platforms, exploring features to help you choose better.

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